Table of Contents

Simulação Social

Esta página apresenta algumas ideias e material sobre a proposta de discicplina de simulação social.

A incorporação de processos sociais é um grande desafio atual em modelos do sistema terrestre. Esta disciplina apresentará as principais técnicas de simulação social no âmbito da ciência do sistema terrestre.



(trocar o “testing” por “modeling”) “Have the mindset of testing to learn, not testing to validate. This is where many people get tripped up; they try to perfect the idea rather than use a low-fidelity prototype to learn from people.”

-Brendan Boyle, Founder of IDEO Toy Lab


Modelos urbanos


Modelagem Baseada em Agentes

Validação de modelos baseados em agentes

The issue of validation is extremely important, and too often ignored by modelers, but fortunately there are excellent discussions in recent texts on ABM: chamter 11 in [1], chapter 7 in [2], and chapter 20 in [3], for example.

[1] Macal (2009) Agent-based modeling and artificial life. Encyclopedia of complexity and System science. R. A. Meyers.

[2] Wilensky and Rand (2015) An Introduction to Agent-based modeling: modeling natural, social, and engineered complex systems with NetLogo. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.

[3] Railsback and Grimm (2012) Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling. Princeton, Princeton University Press.