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ser300:jrmgarcia:ogc [2009/03/31 22:32]
jrmgarcia created
ser300:jrmgarcia:ogc [2009/04/02 22:17] (current)
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 ==== OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium ==== ==== OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium ====
-  * Organização sem fins-lucrativos formada por instituições voluntárias de vários países que define padrões de serviços geoespaciais+Organização sem fins-lucrativos formada por +/- 380 instituições voluntárias de vários países que, desde 1994, define padrões ​de: 
 +  * Conteúdo e de serviços geoespaciais 
 +  * Processamento de dados SIG 
 +  * Compartilhamento de dados 
 +== Padrões de meu interesse == 
 +  * [[Web Map Service|WMS]] - Web Map Service: mapas em forma de imagens. 
 +  * [[wfs|WFS]] - Web Feature Service: Manipular features (abstração de fenômenos). 
 +  * [[Web Coverage Service|WCS]] - Web Coverage Service: Provide [[Coverage data|coverage objects]] from a specified region. 
 +  * [[Web Processing Service|WPS]] - Web Processing Service: Remote processing service. 
 +  * [[Web Catalog Service|CSW]] - Web Catalog Service: Access to catalog information. 
 +  * [[Simple Features|SFS]] - Simple Features - SQL 
 +  * [[Geography Markup Language|GML]] - Geography Markup Language: [[XML]] format for geographical information. 
 +  * [[Keyhole Markup Language 2.2|KML]] - [[Keyhole, Inc|Keyhole]] Markup Language: [[XML]]-based language schema for expressing geographic annotation and visualization on existing or future Web-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. 
 +  * [[Web Service Common|OWS]] - OGC Web Service Common 
 +These were originally designed around the [[HTTP|HTTP]] web services [[paradigm]] for message-based interactions in web-based systems. However, in the last year the members have been working on defining a common approach for [[SOAP (protocol)|SOAP]] protocol and [[Web Services Description Language|WSDL]] bindings. There has also been considerable work and progress in defining [[Representational State Transfer|Representational State Transfer]] web services..
