===== DOCUMENTOS ASSOCIADOS a Iniciativa FAPESP-BELMONT FORUM ===== \\ ---- == Processo Relativo ao Convite == {{:belmontforum:email_convite_fapesp.pdf | e-mail da FAPESP com convite pessoal}} \\ {{:belmontforum:email_confirmacao.pdf | e-mail de Confirmação de Participação}} \\ {{:belmontforum:email_nominacao.pdf | e-mail do lado NSF do Belmont para os Convidados com INFORMAÇÕES Gerais importantes }} \\ ---- == Documentos Gerais da Iniciativa == ---- {{:belmontforum:bfwelcomepacket.pdf|BELMONT FORUM: E-INFRASTRUCTURE AND DATA MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE HUB Project Overview, Goals, Timeline and Resources}} \\ ---- == LINKS com Informações Gerais (participantes, WP, etc)== ---- [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao9Bi8a_VMGedFpnNnNEQTdnQUdrV2gybUZHcWM5MEE&usp=drive_web#gid=1 | We have created a google drive spreadsheet with information on who is in each of the work packages available here]]\\ \\ [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1223T6oBxtaACZ0acltaSLEw9J-WagG8iR4Sec8RxKUg/edit?pli=1|Work Package (WP) 2 Draft Work Plan, to be finalized by WP 2 members at an in-person or virtual meeting, with guidance from WP 2 Steering Committee leadership.]]\\ \\ [[http://www.bfe-inf.org|Please join the Belmont Forum Knowledge Hub HERE ]]\\ \\