[[interimage:|InterIMAGE wiki]] ====== InterIMAGE Examples: Rule-Based Classification ====== This example shows how to perform a single classification of pools and roofs in a small image, through rule-based classification. This project is called "pools_and_roofs" and uses the operator TerraAIDA_Baatz_Segmenter. The InterIMAGE interpretation project can be downloaded here: {{wiki:thales:pools_and_roofs.zip|download}} The image used in this example is the following: {{wiki:thales:input_image.png|}} After creating the InterIMAGE project, we should inserted three nodes, namely //pools//, //roofs// and //background//. All nodes will have the top down operator TerraAIDA_Baatz_Segmenter, as showed in the figure below. {{wiki:thales:pools_parameters.png?400|}} To classify, we can use the attribute //ratio// for band 1, as the following: * //pools// * ratio(band 1) < 0.3 * //roofs// * ratio(band 1) > 0.4 * //background// * ratio(band 1) >= 0.3 AND ratio(band 1) < = 0.4 The next figure shows the rule for node "roofs". {{wiki:thales:roofs_rule.png?400|}} After inserting the rules and starting the project, the resultant classification will show as the following: {{wiki:thales:classification.png?400|}}