====== Multiresolution Segmentation ====== This example shows how to perform multiple segmentation in the image, using coarse and fine resolutions. We use three methods for segmentation currently available in InterIMAGE, namely //Region Growing//, //Baatz// and //Checkerboard//. ===== Download ===== {{:interimage:examples:ta_interimage_examples_multiresolution_segmentation.zip}} ===== Step-by-step ===== Create a new project called "multiresolution_segmentation". Afterwards create a structure to perform segmentation. We initially create a node called "coarse_segmentation" which applies the //TA_Region_Growing_Segmentation// operator. We also create three child nodes, called "fine_segmentation", "fine_checkerboard", and "background" with //TA_Baatz_Segmentation//, //TA_Checkerboard_segmentation// and "Dummy Top Down" operators respectively. The node "background" will be associated to the remaining elements. {{:interimage:examples:nodes_multiresolution_segmentation.png?600}} The segmentation parameters used were: * //coarse_segmentation// (TA_Region_Growing_Segmenter) * Euclidean Distance threshold: 40 * minimum segment size: 200 * //fine_segmentation// (TA_Baatz_Segmenter) * Compactness weight: 0.5 * Color weight: 0.5 * Scale parameter: 20 * Decision rule: * mean('b1') < 240 AND mean('b2') < 240 AND mean('b3') < 240 * //fine_checkerboard// (TA_CheckerBoard) * Number of grid lines: 10 * Number of grid columns: 10 * Decision rule: * ratio('b1') > 0.4 * //background// (Dummy TopDown) Insert these rules in the nodes, by clicking in //TopDown Decision Rule//. Note: Select the option **No Merge**, as the //Lower-level Rule// for all Top Down nodes. {{:interimage:examples:new_fine_segmentation_multiresolution_segmentation.png?400}} After running your project, the result should look as the following figure: {{:interimage:examples:result_multiresolution_segmentation.png?600}}