====== Automated Registration of Remote Sensing Image Data ====== Image registration is the process of matching two images so that corresponding coordinate points in the two images correspond to the same physical region of the scene being imaged. It is a classical problem in several image processing applications where it is necessary to match two or more images of the same scene. With the increase in the number of images collected every day from different sensors, automated registration of images has become a very important issue. A wide reange of registration techniques has been developed for many different types of applications and data. Given the diversity of the data, it is unlikely that a single registration scheme will work satisfactorily for all different applications. As initial research an efficient algorithm for the registration of multi-temporal images was implemented. The procedure is completely automatic and relies on the grey level information content of the images and their local wavelet transform modulus maxima. The algorithm is performed at progressively higher resolution, which allows for faster implementation and higher registration precision. The registration algorithm is very simple, easy to apply and reasonably efficient in terms of computational complexity. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the performance of the algorithm. Ongoing researches include radar image registration. ===== Registration Examples ===== * [[leila:research:image_registration:landsat_amazonia|Landsat-TM (Amazonia region)]] * [[leila:research:image_registration:spot_landsat_urban|SPOT and Landsat-TM (Urban region)]] * [[leila:research:image_registration:landsat_agricultural|Landsat-TM (Agricultural region)]] * [[leila:research:image_registration:jers_amazonia|Radar image: JERS-1 (Amazonia region)]] ===== Software ===== * [[http://regima.dpi.inpe.br/|REGEEMY - Automatic Image Registration And Mosaicking System]]