====== Simulação Social ====== Esta página apresenta algumas ideias e material sobre a proposta de discicplina de simulação social. A incorporação de processos sociais é um grande desafio atual em modelos do sistema terrestre. Esta disciplina apresentará as principais técnicas de simulação social no âmbito da ciência do sistema terrestre. ===== Ementa ===== * Limites da computação em simulação social (problema BAR) * Modelos de equilíbrio geral e parcial (modelagem setorial, Leontief) * Microsimulação * Modelagem baseada em agentes * Populações artificiais * Modelos de uso da terra * Modelos urbanos * Otimização computacional * Teoria de Jogos * Recursos de Uso Comum ===== Frases ===== (trocar o "testing" por "modeling") "Have the mindset of testing to learn, not testing to validate. This is where many people get tripped up; they try to perfect the idea rather than use a low-fidelity prototype to learn from people." -Brendan Boyle, Founder of IDEO Toy Lab ===== Bibliografia ===== ==== Modelos urbanos ==== * Batty M. Cities and complexity: understanding cities with cellular automata, agent-based models, and fractals. The MIT press; 2007 Sep 3 * Urban Simulation: Models for Public Policy Analysis (Nato Science Series D:), by M.H. Whithed and R.M. Sarly ==== Microsimulação ==== * http://www.parisschoolofeconomics.com/bozio-antoine/fr/documents/MS-lecture1.pdf * https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/research/publications/working-papers/iser/2014-23.pdf * Small Area Estimation and Microsimulation Modeling, by Azizur Rahman and Ann Harding * Farm-Level Microsimulation Modelling, by Cathal O'Donoghue * Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis, by Cathal O'Donoghue and Dimitris Ballas ==== Modelagem Baseada em Agentes ==== * Generative Social Science: Studies in Agent-Based Computational Modeling, by Joshua M. Epstein * Donkin, Dennis, Ustalakov, Warren, Clare, 2017. Replicating complex agent base models, a formidable task. Environmental Modelling & Software, 92, pp. 142-151. ==== Validação de modelos baseados em agentes ==== The issue of validation is extremely important, and too often ignored by modelers, but fortunately there are excellent discussions in recent texts on ABM: chamter 11 in [1], chapter 7 in [2], and chapter 20 in [3], for example. [1] Macal (2009) Agent-based modeling and artificial life. Encyclopedia of complexity and System science. R. A. Meyers. [2] Wilensky and Rand (2015) An Introduction to Agent-based modeling: modeling natural, social, and engineered complex systems with NetLogo. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. [3] Railsback and Grimm (2012) Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling. Princeton, Princeton University Press.