Table of Contents

Change Theory

Link back to main page: inpeifgi2009

Presentation (17.3.)

Working Group 4: Presentation

Abstract of Proposal

Our Abstract in Google Doc

Paper 1 "Towards a General Theory for Spatial Patterns of Change"

Paper Gilberto's First Ideas

Google Doc Link

Next Steps:

1. Thales asks Isabel and Joice for Description and Evolution Rules and proposes a mapping like Table 2.

2. Angela revises section 4 and suggests a way how to solve problem with analogy model HDTP.

3. Add a Knowledge Acquisition Methodology.

4. Review paper.

5. Define a conference to submit.

Paper 2 "Analogical Reasoning on Spatial Temporal Patterns of Change in the Brazilian Amazon"

Google Doc Link

Next Steps:

1. Thales proposes a way how spatial patterns look like.

2. Angela adds some suggestions about HDTP.

3. Review paper.

Project Proposal

German Version: max 20 pages

Next Steps:

1. Update structure and add available info (Giovana) (Deadline 27.3)

2. Write proposal (Angela) (Deadline 30.4).

Master Thesis and PhD Topics

Master Thesis

Several master thesis can be done on developing domain-specific theories of change. Depending on the background of the student, they can apply different methods such as unstructured interviews with domain experts or statistical analysis of spatial temporal change patterns. The outcome shall be a set of description rules (i.e. rules to classify regions into different types) and evolution rules (i.e. rules to describe changes of different types). Possible domains include:

PhD Thesis

Mobility Measure

PhD Sandwich Student

Master Students

Master students working on the development of a domain theory of change can take part in the exchange program, if domain experts are in the corresponding institute. This is particularly the case fo German master students working on land change in the Brazilian Amazon. The Master Student should at least partly work in the country where the expert is situated.