Table of Contents

Example 1 - Performing a segmentation

This example shows how to perform a simple segmentation and teaches some basic concepts about the user interface.


Example 1 - Database

This zip file contains:

Step by step

New Project dialog

Attention! Make sure the resource key you type in this dialog doesn't match a class name in your semantic net, otherwise InterImage won't run properly.

Attention! Make sure the keys, names and paths in your project don't have white spaces or non-ASCII characters, otherwise InterImage won't run properly.

Visualization tools

Image layerColor Composition dialog

Inserting a nodeSemantic Net

Selecting a top-down operatorSetting the operator parameters

Analysis ready

Result layer

Exporting a shapefile

Export result layer

Export Shapefile dialogInsert Class

Choose Shapefile

Loading the shapefile into the project

Edit Project dialog

Adding a shape layerAdding a shape layer