Table of Contents

Roberta Rosemback


Apresentação de artigo

“Global and local spatial indices of urban segregation”

apresentação do artigo

Trabalho Final - Artigo Científico


"Segregação sócio-espacial na região conurbada de São José dos Campos e Jacarei, SP"

Abstract. The conurbation process that has been happening in São José dos Campos and Jacareí (SP) might lead to an increase in the urban peripherals areas. This work intends to analyze patterns of segregation that have been emerging from this conurbation process. For that, global and local spatial indices of urban segregation were used in two different scales of analysis. The results here presented showed that the pattern of segregation in São José dos Campos stays the same when the socioeconomic data from both cities are computed. It also revealed that strong isolation of lower income families is a pattern that still remains. The degree of segregation is lower on the border of the two cities.

trabalho final

apresentação do trabalho final