Terralib5 Docs

How to get Terralib5 under SVN repository

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008 Professional
  2. Install Tortoise and Doxygen
    • Download and install TortoiseSVN (last version).
      Tortoise is a subversion client implemented as a window shell extension that enables Subversion commands directly in windows explorer.
    • Download and Install Doxygen (last version).
      Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java and others. It can generate an on-line documentation browser (HTML) from a set of documented source files (the documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which makes it much easier to keep the documentation consistent with the source code).
  3. Create a diretory (in this case the directory name is terralib5).
    • Go to created directory.
  4. Checking out terralib files:
    • Right click the directory terralib5 » SVN checkout…
    • Checkout window
  5. Checking out third party libraries:
    • Right click the directory terralib5 » SVN checkout…
    • Checkout window
  6. Checking out test data used in unit test:
    • Right click the directory terralib5 » SVN checkout…
    • Checkout window
  7. Follow instructions under C:\terralib5\thirdparty\howto-build-thirdparty.txt to build third party libraries used by terralib.
  8. Go to C:\terralib5\terralib\build and choose one of the win compilers version (2008 or 2005) directory and open the solution all.sln
  9. Building projects: terralib, tiff, proj4, postgis and the unit test available.
  10. Run the unit tests…
  11. Runinng doxygen to generate the documentation:
    • In a DOS Prompt go to C:\terralib5\terralib\doc\doxygen\ and run doxygen with the config_file available.
    • As an example see the line below.
      C:\terralib5\terralib\doc\doxygen> doxygen terralib_doc_config
    • See documentantion generated at C:\terralib5\terralib\doc\doxygen\doc\html\index.html