Table of Contents

Proposal Structure

Fifth Attempt (15/12/2010)

from book The craft of research:

Topic I am studying properties of time series in remote sensing images,
Research Question because I want to find out similar behaviors in these properties,
Potential Practical Significance to understand/explain their relation to changes in land use/cover.

Trying to formulate a useful applied research problem:

If my readers want to explain the relation of properties of time series to changes in land use/cover,
would they think that they could do if they found out similar behaviors in these properties?

Fourth Attempt (08/12/2010)

Theme I am studying properties of time series in remote sensing images,
Question because I want to find out whether they can be used to track changes in land use/cover,
Motivation to understand/explain whether land changes are described by spectral changes.

Third Attempt (18/01/2010)

Classification methods based on decision trees are efficient to identify change signatures.


How to classify change signatures from temporal and multi-dimensional remote sensing images using data mining approaches?

Theme I am studying multitemporal datamining,
Question because I want to create a method to classify change signatures from Sattelite Image Time-Series (SITS),
Motivation to understand/explain how ?.

Second Attempt

It is possible to detect spectral trajectories of certain events, using image time series.

Region-boundary classifiers can split the feature space into detected spectral trajectories in time.

Multitemporal decision trees can overcome the curse of dimensionality?

Theme I am studying multitemporal datamining,
Question because I want to create a method to recognize spectral trajectories in time,
Motivation to understand/explain how certain events evolve.

First Attempt

It is possible to set a temporal signature to forest degradation.

Forest degradation are defined by smooth (light, slim, slight?), moderate and intense levels. With a set of snapshots from remote sensing images, one can develop an algorithm to detect such levels of degradation and to model its temporal signature.

Forest degradation can be modelled?

Theme I am studying forest degradation,
Question because I want to create a method to find a temporal/spectral signature using snapshots of remote sensing images,
Motivation to understand/explain how this phenomena (forest degradation) triggers and develops.

Topics for Thesis Proposal

Several and general themes.