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 [[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1223T6oBxtaACZ0acltaSLEw9J-WagG8iR4Sec8RxKUg/​edit?​pli=1|Work Package (WP) 2 Draft Work Plan, to be finalized by WP 2 members at an in-person or virtual meeting, with guidance from WP 2 Steering Committee leadership.]]\\ [[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1223T6oBxtaACZ0acltaSLEw9J-WagG8iR4Sec8RxKUg/​edit?​pli=1|Work Package (WP) 2 Draft Work Plan, to be finalized by WP 2 members at an in-person or virtual meeting, with guidance from WP 2 Steering Committee leadership.]]\\
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