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Example 2 - Performing a intra-regions segmentation

This example shows how to perform a simple segmentation and teaches some basic concepts about the interpretation process.


Example 2 - Database

This zip file contains:

  • tijuca.tif
  • quadras.shp (city blocks)

Step by step

  • Start InterIMAGE. Click on FileNew Project and fill the fields according to the following:

Adding an image

  • Check the Default Image checkbox and click the Add button.
  • Add the shapefile quadras.shp. Click the Add button.

Adding a shapefile

  • Select the Shape tab and click the Add button. Set its Color to red, then click Save.

Adding a shape layerAdding a shape layer

  • Now, you should see something like this:

Layer rendered.

  • After, uncheck the Visible checkbox of the shape layer.
  • Create a semantic net like this one:

Semantic Net

  • Associate the TA_Shapefile_Import operator to the Blocks node. Set the operator parameters according to the image below. The CODIGO attribute is the block code in the shapefile.

Selecting the top-down operatorSetting the operator parameters

  • Associate a segmentation top-down operator to the Segmentation node. We will use the TA_Baatz_Segmenter operator in this example. Set the operator parameters according to the following:

Selecting the top-down operatorSetting the operator parameters

  • Click on FileSave Project. Click the Execute button. After the execution you should see something like this:
