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InterIMAGE wiki

InterIMAGE: Testing Procedures

The testing procedures are tools for the development team of InterIMAGE, which should be used in the quality control process of new versions of the system and external operators.

The basic idea of the testing procedures is to check the compatibility of new system versions with sample interpretation projects.

Each testing procedure is related to one, or a number of functionalities. If a new version of the system updates or affects a particular set of functionalities, the corresponding procedures should be executed before the new version is deployed. If a new functionality is included in the new version, a testing procedure for that functionality must be created, or an existing procedure should be modified to contemplate the new functionality.

The list of available testing procedures is presented below:

  1. Calculation of spectral attributes
  2. TerraAIDA_Baatz_Segmenter operator
  • Testing Procedure 002
  1. Supervised C4.5 operator

Testing Procedure 001

Author: Gilson Costa

Creation Date: 04/12/2009

Last Update: 04/12/2009


  1. Download and execute the View_Atributes sample project.
  2. Check if the instance network view_attributes.inet has 331 objects.
  3. Find in the instance network the object with the following attributes:

Testing Procedure 002
