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R&D in Geoinformatics and Land Change Modelling at INPE

INPE (Brazil´s National Institute for Space Research) has supported R&D activities in Geoinformatics since the early 1980s.

Geospatial information engineering

GI Engineering activities at INPE started in 1982, with the development of the SITIM/SGI system (1986-1995). SITIM/SGI was Brazil’s first GIS+IP system. Running on MS-DOS, it needed an add-on graphics card of 1024x1024x24 bits. It was used extensively by 150 universities and research labs, up to 1996.

In 1992, INPE started the development of SPRING. SPRING provides a comprehensive set of functions for processing of spatial information, including tools for Satellite Image Processing, Digital Terrain Modelling, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics, Spatial Statistics, Spatial Databases and Map Management. The software is avaliable free on the Web, and as of June 2008, had more than 100,000 registered users.

Since 2001, INPE has been developing TerraLib, an open-source GIS software library. TerraLib supports large-scale applications using socio-economic and environmental data. TerraLib supports coding of geographical applications using spatial databases, and stores data in different DBMS including MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Selected papers and presentations on GI Engineering

J.P. Cordeiro, G. Câmara, F. Almeida, Yet Another Map Algebra. Geoinformatica, in press, 2008.

G. Câmara, L. Vinhas, G. Queiroz, K. Ferreira, A.M.V. Monteiro, M. Carvalho, MA Casanova, TerraLib: An open-source GIS library for large-scale environmental and socio-economic applications. In: B. Hall, M. Leahy (eds.), “Open Source Approaches to Spatial Data Handling”. Berlin, Springer, 2008.

G.Câmara, R.Souza, U.Freitas, J.Garrido, F. Ii. SPRING: Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS with Object-Oriented Data Modelling. Computers and Graphics, vol.15(6):13-22, 1996.
