Commun header
  \file   TeTemplate.h
  \brief  This file contains an template example    
  This file can be used as reference for TerraLib programmers.
  \author Karine  (karine@dpi.inpe.br)
  \author Laércio (laercio@dpi.inpe.br)
#define TE_MY_DEFINE 1
// C includes
#include <c.h>
// Local module includes
#include "TeOtherTerraLibInclude.h"
// Platform includes (e.g. dpi - digital image processing module)
#include <dip/TeDPIinclude.h>
// STL includes
#include <vector>
// Foward declarations of external classes
class Foward;
//!  TerraLib namespace
  This namespace contains all TerraLib kernel definitions.
namespace TerraLib
// Foward declarations of namespace classes
class TeFoward;
//!  A example of TerraLib programming style
  This class is an example of TerraLib programming style. 
  \version (?)
  \author (?)
class TeTemplate
    //! Empty contructor
    //! Set the value of member myInt_
      \param myInt the value to be assigned to myInt_ member
    void setMyInt(const int& myInt);
    //! Get the value of member myInt_
      \return returns the value of the myInt_ member
    const int& getMyInt(void) const;
    //! Verify if the object is valid
      \return returns true if the object is valid, otherwise, return false
    const bool& isValid() const;
    //! My protected int member
    int myProtectedInt_;
    //! My private int member
    int myInt_;
    //! My private double member
    double myDouble_;
    //! My private string member
    std::string myString_;
    //! My private boolen member
    bool valid_;
   //! My private class pointer member
    TeClass* myClassPointer_;
} // End namespace TerraLib
#endif  // End TE_TEMPLATE_H
