This is an old revision of the document!

Commun header
  \file   TeTemplate.h
  \brief  This file contains an template example    
  This file can be used as reference for TerraLib programmers.
  \author Karine  (
  \author Laércio (
#define TE_MY_DEFINE 1
// C includes
#include <c.h>
// Local module includes
#include "TeOtherTerraLibInclude.h"
// Platform includes (e.g. dpi - digital image processing module)
#include <dip/TeDPIinclude.h>
// STL includes
#include <vector>
// Foward declarations of external classes
class Foward;
//!  TerraLib namespace
  This namespace contains all TerraLib kernel definitions.
namespace TerraLib
// Foward declarations of namespace classes
class TeFoward;
//!  A example of TerraLib programming style
  This class is an example of TerraLib programming style. 
  \version (?)
  \author (?)
class TeTemplate
    //! Empty contructor
    //! Set the value of member myInt_
      \param myInt the value to be assigned to myInt_ member
    void setMyInt(const int& myInt);
    //! Get the value of member myInt_
      \return returns the value of the myInt_ member
    const int& getMyInt(void) const;
    //! Verify if the object is valid
      \return returns true if the object is valid, otherwise, return false
    const bool& isValid() const;
    //! My protected int member
    int myProtectedInt_;
    //! My private int member
    int myInt_;
    //! My private double member
    double myDouble_;
    //! My private string member
    std::string myString_;
    //! My private boolen member
    bool valid_;
   //! My private class pointer member
    TeClass* myClassPointer_;
} // End namespace TerraLib
#endif  // End TE_TEMPLATE_H
