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Meeting 02/03/2012

Paper about classifying crop lands

New results, using the seasonal feature of polygon area per quadrant

Results presented in paper

Basic features X Polar Features

First Results, TerraClass (2008) X GeoDMA (growing season 2007-2008)

scene 22469 with 58110 points, and 72% of correct classified points.
scene 22670 with 13629 points, and 85% of correct classified points.
scene 22768 with 83861 points, and 81% of correct classified points.
scene 22969 with 10890 points, and 15% of correct classified points.
scene 22769 with 60286 points, and 77% of correct classified points.
scene 22668 with 65784 points, and 63% of correct classified points.
scene 22770 with 29331 points, and 31% of correct classified points.
scene 22669 with 97752 points, and 77% of correct classified points.


First Version

1 Introduction

  • 1.1 Scientific Question and Hypothesis
  • 1.2 Contributions
  • 1.3 Document Organization

2 Review

  • 2.1 Landscape Ecology
  • 2.2 Object-Based Image Analysis
  • 2.3 Data Mining
  • 2.4 Multitemporal analysis

3 Method

  • 3.1 Defining the input data
    • 3.1.1 Segmentation
    • 3.1.2 Cycles detection
  • 3.2 Feature Extraction
    • 3.2.1 Segmentation-based
    • 3.2.2 Landscape-based features
    • 3.2.3 Multitemporal
      • Basic features
      • Linearity features
      • Features based on polar representation
  • 3.3 Data mining to detect land change
    • 3.3.1 Building a reference set
    • 3.3.2 Classification using decision trees
  • 3.4 Output
    • 3.4.1 Measuring change

4 Results

  • 4.1 Land cover using intra-urban imagery
    • 4.3.1 Input dataset
    • 4.3.2 Experiment
  • 4.2 Detection of patterns of the urban landscape
  • 4.3 Classification of agriculture cycles
  • 4.4 Evaluating the new multitemporal features

5 Conclusion


1 Introduction

2 Paper GeoDMA

3 Paper Polar Features

4 ???

5 Conclusion
