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trabalhos-ca [2019/05/09 11:04]
trabalhos-ca [2019/05/09 15:12]
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 ====== Lista de Artigos Autômatos Celular ====== ====== Lista de Artigos Autômatos Celular ======
-|Wagner Billa, ​Aurelienne Jorge, Carlos Guimarães|Modelling of incident sound wave propagation around sound barriers using cellular automata|+|Aurelienne Jorge, Carlos Guimarães|Periodic forcing in a three-level cellular automata model for a vector-transmitted disease| 
 +|Wagner Billa|Modelling of incident sound wave propagation around sound barriers using cellular automata|
 |Leoni Silva e Camila Sales|Bowness,​ R., Chaplain, M.A., Powathil, G.G. and Gillespie, S.H., 2018. Modelling the effects of bacterial cell state and spatial location on tuberculosis treatment: Insights from a hybrid multiscale cellular automaton model. Journal of theoretical biology, 446, pp.87-100.| |Leoni Silva e Camila Sales|Bowness,​ R., Chaplain, M.A., Powathil, G.G. and Gillespie, S.H., 2018. Modelling the effects of bacterial cell state and spatial location on tuberculosis treatment: Insights from a hybrid multiscale cellular automaton model. Journal of theoretical biology, 446, pp.87-100.|
 |Luiz Assis, Cintia Pereira| White, S. Hoya, A. Martín Del Rey, and G. Rodríguez Sánchez. "​Modeling epidemics using cellular automata."​ Applied Mathematics and Computation 186, no. 1 (2007): 193-202. | |Luiz Assis, Cintia Pereira| White, S. Hoya, A. Martín Del Rey, and G. Rodríguez Sánchez. "​Modeling epidemics using cellular automata."​ Applied Mathematics and Computation 186, no. 1 (2007): 193-202. |
